Sous Vide Bacon
Sous vide bacon will change your brunch game! This cooking method gives you perfect pieces of bacon with consistent texture the whole way through. All meaty, no chewy.

Find more sous vide recipes in my brand new book, Everyday Sous Vide: It’s All French to Me. Snag the book for lots of amazing sous vide recipes like this one!
Don’t know about sous vide yet, but curious to learn more? Start here! I tell ya about everything you need to get viding.
First things first: I just spent the morning binge watching Brooke Lark’s Youtube channel before editing the photos I took yesterday and WOW. She definitely upleveled my photo game. I am pumped about the photos in this post. Thanks, Brooke!
Second: I can hear you right now. You’re thinking: why would you sous vide bacon? How is bacon a worthy candidate for this cooking method? Hear me out.
It’s pretty hard to find anything bad to say about bacon, yeah? The salty, fatty treat is a universal favorite food. I’m no exception in my deep, true love of bacon.
But. If I had to find one bad thing to say about bacon, it’s that the texture throughout each piece is different. Crispy part here, chewy part here. It’s hard to get it perfect the whole way through.
Enter sous vide bacon. Pre-cooking the bacon before crisping it up and a consistent temperature renders the fat in just the right way and prevents any chewy spots. This changes your bacon game. For reals.
Are you still on the hunt for an immersion circulator and/or a vacuum sealer? I can’t recommend Vesta Precision‘s products enough! I alsways cook my food in these reusable Sous Vide Bags. Waaay friendlier on the wallet and the environment to go reusable! Yes, they’re a little annoying to clean, but worth it, friends.
Sous vide bacon sets you up for the ultimate weekend brunch. Drop your bacon in the night before you want to cook it, and let the fatty goodness go for 12-48 hours. Yep.
You can cook the bacon right in the package you bought it in. However, you don’t know what chemicals are in that plastic and beware of any paper labels – get ’em off so nothing gunks up the water circulator.
I cook my sous vide bacon at 145 degrees F – this is my go to for pork. I’ve done my bacon anywhere between 12 and 17 hours and had great results without noticing much of a difference between the times.
When it’s done, I get a cast iron skillet going on medium high heat and cook the bacon strips until crispy.
The texture is completely different when cooking bacon this way. It’s consistently meatier all the way through the strip. I’m a big fan.
If you’re going to take the time to do sous vide bacon, I recommend at least getting decent stuff. Mine still comes from the grocery store pre-packaged, but I spring for the $9 pack instead of the $5 pack. Big spender, over here. Some day soon I’ll get out to Gartner’s and really do sous vide bacon right.
If I were you, I’d pair this sous vide bacon with Raspberry and Coconut Clafoutis or Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Scones. You pickin’ up what I’m layin’ down?