These oven baked potatoes are a regular side dish for us. They’re simple, incredibly tasty, and make great leftovers (especially for breakfast potatoes!). Use Yukon gold, fingerling, or red potatoes: it’s up to you!
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Put a stockpot filled 6 inches deep with water on the stove to boil. Grease a rimmed baking sheet with 1/2 tbsp olive oil.
When the water begins to boil, add 3 tbsp kosher salt. Taste the water: it should taste salty. If needed, add more salt 1 tbsp at a time until it tastes salty. Add the potatoes and boil for 7-9 minutes, until potatoes are just fork tender. Drain and rinse under cold water. Shake the potatoes to remove as much moisture as possible.
Return the potatoes to the stockpot and add remaining 1 tbsp olive oil, minced garlic cloves, 1 tsp kosher salt, and herb blend if using. Grab the pot by the handles and shake the pot until the potatoes are covered in seasoning and the outside of the potatoes are starting to look a bit beat up and fluffy.
Pour the potatoes onto the prepared rimmed baking sheet. Spread out so the potatoes are not touching one another. Bake in preheated oven for 15 minutes, flip the potatoes, then bake for another 10-15 minutes until golden brown.