Sous Vide Infused Tequila with Cucumber and Lime

Add sous vide infused tequila to the long list of things you can do with this handy dandy cooking method! Cucumber and lime are the perfect pairing.


– 1/2 pound of scallops – Salt and pepper – 4 tbsp cold butter, divided – 2 tsp lemon juice – 1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley

Get immersion circulator setup and start preheating water bath to 155 degrees F.

Add all ingredients to a pint-sized jar.

Place the undamaged lids on your jar. Close to “finger tight” (you should be able to easily unscrew with just your fingertips). Shake to combine all ingredients. Drop jar carefully into water. Jar should be completely submerged and you should see small air bubbles escaping. If the jar is floating, your lid is on too tight. –

Cook for at least 1 hour, up to 3 hours.

Remove from water bath and place on a towel and let cool for 30 minutes. Strain the liquid. Pour the liquid back into the jar and place in the fridge to store.