First Post!
Hello all! Here is an introductory post before I start posting a few of my culinary adventures. First, you may notice I’ve included some football references (such as the poll to your right, feel free to cast your vote 😉 ). Football season is hands down my favorite time of the year. Last year I went to every single home game, and plan on attending many this season. In case you don’t know, my Oregon Ducks are currently ranked number five in the country! Very exciting. Before away games, I usually like to prepare snack type goodies to enjoy during the four hour Duck-fests, and can’t wait to share them with you!
Second, you may have also noticed that I am a college student. Although I admit that I have ordered my fair share of pizza (gotta love Track Town) and eaten more than one box of Kraft mac ‘n’ cheese, I like to think I’ve done a pretty good job of cooking “real” food since living in my own apartment. I usually make dinner for my boyfriend, whose culinary knowledge does not extend beyond peanut butter and jelly’s and anything you can put in the toaster oven, and since I had grown up eating home-cooked meals, it didn’t feel right to settle for anything less just because my mom wasn’t there to cook for me. I will admit, this can be difficult sometimes considering many of my days are spent in class or working and evenings on homework, but marinades and my brand new tiny slow cooker have become my friends.
Right now I’m in Oregon City visiting my parents, and although I’m planning on baking something to share this weekend, I’ll be able to post much more once I’m back in my apartment Tuesday or Wednesday.
Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to root for the Ducks tomorrow!
I’m so excited about your new blog! You are such an amazing cook, it’s about time you shared it with the rest of the world!!!
This is so fun Chelsea. I hope Grandma, Rebecca Sue and I can make your cookies Monday when Becca (our big girl) gets out of school.
Chelsea – great blog! I think what you have to share is important. Your peers need a different way of living healthier and you’ll give them some great ideas. Here’s to battling the freshmen 15! Love you – Aunt Sis